Solicite presupuesto

Sworn translation

Sworn translation is a type of translation that can only be done by a sworn translator appointed and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is possible that in other countries different procedures are followed to swear translations or ensure the solemnity required by such documents.

It is advisable for a sworn translator to have a perfect command of both the source and target languages of the translation, since they will answer personally and legally for any error with respect to the original text translated.
Traducción jurada Madrid
All sworn translations must be duly signed and sealed on each of the pages of the document to be translated. Additionally, the sworn translator must insert a formula or inscription at the start or end of the sworn translation certifying that the document is a reviewed translation faithful to the original translated document. In this inscription, the sworn translator must include his/her personal details, Spanish National ID Card number and member number in order to be available to rectify the translated document or to answer personally and legally for it.

AtFidelia Linguistic Solutions we meet all your sworn translation needs in more than 30 languages and guarantee the quality of all our translations. All our sworn translators have extensive experience in their certified language combinations and chosen discipline. We offer sworn translation services for large volumes of work with tight deadlines thanks to a sized team of translators. Also, all our sworn translation projects are subject to comprehensive quality reviews and we apply the correct terminology before being sworn. All our sworn translations follow our standard quality procedures to ensure compliance with ISO 9001:2008 and UNE-EN 15038:2006 standards.

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